Forristall, G.Z., (2011), Maximum crest heights under a TLP deck, Proc. OMAE 2011: 30th
International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, OMAE2011-49836, Rotterdam.
Buchner, B., Forristall, G. Z., Ewans, K., Christou, M., and Hennig, J. (2011), New insights
in extreme crest height distributions, OMAE 2011: 30th International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, OMAE2011-49846, Rotterdam.
Fedele, F., Benetazzo, A., and Forristall, G.Z. (2011), Space-time waves and spectra in the
northern Adriatic Sea, OMAE 2011: 30th International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, OMAE2011-49924, Rotterdam.
Forristall, G.Z., R.R. Leben, and C.A. Hall (2010), A statistical hindcast and forecast model for the Loop Current in the Gulf of Mexico,), Offshore Technology Conference Proceedings, OTC 20602, Houston.
Gibson, R., C. Grant, D. Peters, G. Forristall, R. Smyth, P. Owrid, O. Hagen, and I. Leggett, Bias and uncertainty in the estimation of extreme wave heights and crests (2009), Proc. OMAE 2009: 28th International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, OMAE2009-79466, Honolulu.
Fedele, F., G. Gallego, A. Yezzi, A. Benetazzo, M.A. Tayfun, G.Z. Forristall, L. Cavaleri, M.
Sclavo, and M. Bastianini (2009), Beyond waves and spectra: Euler characteristics of oceanic sea states, Proc. OMAE 2009: 28th International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, OMAE2009-79598, Honolulu.
Forristall, G.Z. (2008), How should we combine long and short term wave height distributions? Proc. OMAE 2008: 27th International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, OMAE2008-58012, Estoril.
Mitchell, T.M., R.G. Lueck, M.J. Vogel, R.E. Raye, and G.Z. Forristall (2007), Turbulence measurements in a Gulf of Mexico warm-core ring, Proc. OMAE 2007: 26th International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, OMAE2007-29231, San Diego.
Cardone, V.J., A.T. Cox, and G.Z. Forristall (2007), Hindcast of winds, waves and currents in northern Gulf of Mexico in Hurricanes Katrina (2005) and Rita(2005), Offshore Technology Conference Proceedings, OTC 18652, Houston.
Forristall, G.Z. (2007), Wave crest heights and deck damage in Hurricanes Ivan, Katrina and Rita, Offshore Technology Conference Proceedings, OTC 18620, Houston.
Forristall, G.Z. (2006), Maximum wave heights over an area and the air gap problem, Proc. OMAE 2006: 25th International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, OMAE2006-92022, Hamburg.
Oey L.-Y., T. Ezer, G. Forristall, C. Cooper, S. DiMarco, S. Fan (2005), An exercise in forecasting loop current and eddy frontal positions in the Gulf of Mexico, Geophys. Res. Lett., 32, L12611, doi:10.1029/2005GL023253.
Holmes, J, Forristall, G., and McConochie, J. (2005), Dynamic response of structures to thunderstorm winds, Proc. 10th Americas Conference on Wind Engineering, American Association for Wind Engineering, Baton Rouge.
Cooper, C., Stear, J., Heideman, J., Santala, M., Forristall, G., Driver, D., and Fourchy, P. (2005), Implications of Hurricane Ivan on Deepwater Gulf of Mexico Metocean Design Criteria. Offshore Technology Conference Proceedings, OTC 17740, Houston.
Forristall, G.Z. (2004), Use of directional wave criteria, J. Waterway, Port, Coastal and Ocean Engineering, 130, 272-275.
Forristall, G.Z. (2004), Environmental forces on offshore LNG terminals: The complications of shallow water, Proc. OMAE 2004: 23rd International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, OMAE2004-51637, Vancouver.
Van Iperen, E.J., Forristall, G.Z., Battjes, J.A., and Pinkster, J.A. (2004), Amplification of waves by a concrete gravity sub-structure: linear diffraction analysis and estimating the extreme crest height, Proc. Proceedings of OMAE 2004: 23rd International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, OMAE2004-51022, Vancouver.
Buchner, B., G.E. Loots, G.E., G.Z. Forristall, G.Z., van Iperen, E.J (2004), Hydrodynamic aspects of gravity based structures in shallow water, Offshore Technology Conference Proceedings, OTC 16716, Houston.
Forristall, G.Z., Barstow, S.F., Krogstad, H.E., Prevosto, M., Taylor, P.H., and Tromans, P. (2004), Wave Crest Sensor Intercomparison Study: An overview of WACSIS, J. Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, 126, 26-34.
Prevosto, M., and Forristall, G.Z. (2004), Statistics of wave crests from measurements vs. models, J. Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, 126, 43-50.
Schaudt, K.J., Forristall, G.Z., Kantha, L.H., Leben, R., Choi, J.K., Black, P., Uhlhorn, E., Guinasso, N.L., Walpert, J.N., Kelly, F.J., DiMarco, S.F., Wang, O., Anderson, S., and Coholan, P., A look at currents in the Gulf of Mexico in 1999 – 2000, Offshore Technology Conference Proceedings, OTC 12996, Houston.
Forristall, G.Z. (2001), Nonlinear wave calculations for engineering applications, J. Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, 124, 28-33.
Forristall, G.Z. (2000), Wave crest distributions: Observations and second order theory, J. Phys. Oceanogr., 30, 1931-1943.
Niedoroda, A.W., C.W. Reed, B.S. Parsons, J. Breza, G.Z. Forristall, and J.E. Mullee (2000), Developing engineering design criteria for mass gravity flows in deepsea slope environments, Offshore Technology Conference Proceedings, OTC 12069, Houston.
Cardone, V.J., H.C. Chen and G.Z. Forristall (1998), Societal benefits of improved surface wave prediction, Proc. International Conference on Satellites, Oceanography and Society, Lisbon.
Forristall, G.Z. (1998), Wave crest distributions: observations and second order theory, Proc. 1998 International OTRC Symposium on Ocean Wave Kinematics, Dynamics and Loads on Structures, ASCE, Houston, 372-395.
van Unen, R.F., A.A. van Beuzekom, G.Z. Forristall, J.-P. Mathisen and J. Starke (1998), WACSIS – Wave crest sensor intercomparison study at the Meetpost Noordwijk measurement platform, Proc. OCEANS ’98 IEEE/OES Conference, Nice.
Tromans, P.S., and G.Z. Forristall (1998), What is the appropriate wind gust averaging period for extreme force calculations?, Offshore Technology Conference Proceedings, OTC 8908, Houston.
Forristall, G.Z., and J. A. Greenwood (1998), Directional spreading of measured and hindcasted wave spectra, Proc. 5th International Workshop on Wave Hindcasting and Forecasting, Melbourne, FL.
Forristall, G.Z., and C.K. Cooper (1997), Design current profiles using empirical orthogonal function (EOF) and inverse FORM methods, Offshore Technology Conference Proceedings, OTC 8267, Houston.
Forristall, G.Z., and K. C. Ewans (1997), Worldwide measurements of directional wave spreading, J. Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 15, 440-469.
Cooper, C.K., and G.Z. Forristall (1997), The use of satellite altimeter data to estimate the extreme wave climate, J. Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 14, 254-266.
Forristall, G.Z. (1996), Measurements of current blockage by the Bullwinkle platform, J. Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 13, 1247-1266.
Forristall, G.Z., J.C. Heideman, I.M. Leggett, B. Roskam and L. Vanderschuren, Effect of sampling variability on hindcast and measured wave heights (1996), J. Waterway, Port, Coastal and Ocean Engineering, 122, 216-225.
Price, J.F., T.B. Sanford, and G.Z. Forristall (1994), Forced stage response to a moving hurricane, J. Phys. Oceanogr., 24, 233-260.
Cooper, C.K., G.Z. Forristall, R.C. Hamilton, and C.C. Ebbesmeyer (1993), Utilization of offshore oil platforms for meteorological and oceanographic measurements, Marine Technological Society J., 27, 10-23.
Anctil, F., M.A. Donelan, G.Z. Forristall, K.E. Steele, and Y. Ouellet (1993), Deep-water field evaluation of the NDBC-SWADE 3-m discus directional buoy, J. Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 10, 97-112.
Forristall, G.Z. (1992), Specifying the offshore environment, Proc. Civil Engineering in the Oceans V, ASCE, College Station, TX, 1-41.
Forristall, G.Z., K.J. Schaudt, and C.K. Cooper (1992), Evolution and kinematics of a Loop Current eddy in the Gulf of Mexico during 1995, J. Geophys. Res., 97, 2173-2184.
Forristall, G.Z. (1991), A preliminary hindcast model for Loop Current eddies, Proc. Marine Technological Society, New Orleans.
Forristall, G.Z., R.D. Larrabee, and R.S. Mercier (1991), Combined oceanographic criteria for deepwater structures in the Gulf of Mexico, Offshore Technology Conference Proceedings, OTC 6541, Houston.
Schaudt, K.J., G.Z. Forristall, D.C. Biggs, O.K Huh, and J.B. Bole (1991), The evolution of Nelson Eddy, 1991, Offshore Technology Conference Proceedings, OTC 6537, Houston.
Forristall, G.Z., E.H. Doyle, W. Silva, and Y. Moriwaki (1990), Verification of a soil-wave interaction model (SWIM), in Modeling Marine Systems, Vol. 2, A.M. Davies, Ed., CRC Press, Boca Raton.
Glenn, S.M., G.Z. Forristall, P. Cornillon and G. Milkowsky (1990), Observations of Gulf Stream ring 83-E and their interpretation using feature models, J. Geophys. Res., 95, 13,043-13,063.
Forristall, G.Z., K.J. Schaudt, and J. Calman (1990), Verification of Geosat altimetry for operational use in the Gulf of Mexico, J. Geophys. Res., 95, 2985-2989.
Cooper, C., G.Z. Forristall, and T.M. Joyce (1990), Velocity and hydrographic structure of two Gulf of Mexico warm-core rings, J. Geophys. Res., 95, 1663-1679.
Lewis, J.K., A.D. Kirwan, and G.Z. Forristall (1989), Evolution of a warm-core ring in the Gulf of Mexico: Lagrangian observations, J. Geophys. Res., 94, 8163-8178.
Forristall, G.Z., C.A. Gutierrez, E.G. Ward, and P.W. Marshall (1989), Forces on the Cognac platform in combined storm waves and currents, Offshore Technology Conference Proceedings, OTC 6006, Houston.
Forristall, G.Z. (1988), Wind spectra and gust factors over water, Offshore Technology Conference Proceedings, OTC 5735, Houston.
Sanford, T.B., P.G. Black, J.R. Haustein, J.W. Feeney, G.Z. Forristall, and J.F. Price (1987), Ocean response to a hurricane, J. Phys. Oceanogr., 17, 2065-2083.
Forristall, G.Z. (1986), Kinematics in the crests of storm waves, Proceedings of the 20th Coastal Engineering Conference, Taipei.
Rodenbusch, G., and G.Z. Forristall (1986), An empirical model for random directional wave kinematics near the free surface, Offshore Technology Conference Proceedings, OTC 5097, Houston.
Forristall, G.Z. (1985), Irregular wave kinematics from a kinematic boundary condition fit (KBCF), Applied Ocean Research, 7, 202-212.
Forristall, G.Z., and A.M. Reece (1985), Measurements of wave attenuation due to a soft bottom: the SWAMP experiment, J. Geophys. Res., 90, 3367-3380.
Forristall, G.Z. (1984), The distribution of measured and simulated wave heights as a function of spectral shape, J. Geophys. Res., 89, 10,5047-10,552.
Wiseman, W.J., C.N.K. Mooers, and G.Z. Forristall (1983), Ocean current processes, Ocean Science and Engineering, 8, 367-459.
Forristall, G.Z. (1981), Measurements of a saturated range in ocean wave spectra, J. Geophys. Res., 86, 8075-8084.
Forristall, G.Z. (1981), Simulated and measured kinematics of directionally spread waves, Proc. of Directional Wave Spectra Applications ’81, Berkeley.
Forristall, G.Z. (1981), Subsurface wave measuring systems, Proc. Symposium on the Technology of wave measurement systems, National Research Council, Washington.
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Forristall, G.Z. (1980), A two layer model for hurricane driven currents on an irregular grid, J. Phys. Oceanogr., 10, 1417-1438.
Forristall, G.Z., E.G. Ward, and V.J. Cardone (1980), Directional wave spectra and wave kinematics in Hurricanes Carmen and Eloise, Proc. 17th International Coastal Engineering Conference, Sydney.
Forristall, G.Z., J.R. Kreider, and A.M. Reece (1979), Semisubmersible rig motion studies offshore of Alaska and southern California, J. Energy Resources Tech., 101, 182-188.
Forristall, G.Z., E.G. Ward, V.J. Cardone, and L.E. Borgman (1978), The directional spectra and kinematics of surface gravity waves in Tropical Storm Delia, J. Phys. Oceanogr., 8, 888-909.
Forristall, G.Z., and R.C. Hamilton (1978), Current measurements in support of fixed platform design and construction, Proc. of a Working Conference on Current Measurement, University of Delaware, Newark.
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Heezen, B.C., I.D. MacGregor, H.P. Foreman, G.Z. Forristall, H. Hekel, R. Hesse, R.H. Hoskins, E.J.W. Jones, A. Kaneps, V.A. Krasheninnikov, H. Okada, and M.H. Ruef (1973), Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project, 20, National Science Foundation, Washington.
Heezen, B.C., I.D. MacGregor, H.P. Foreman, G.Z. Forristall, H. Hekel, R. Hesse, R.H. Hoskins, E.J.W. Jones, A. Kaneps, V.A. Krasheninnikov, H. Okada, and M.H. Ruef (1973), Diachronous Deposits: A kinematic interpretation of the post Jurassic sedimentary sequence on the Pacific plate, Nature, 241, 25-32.
Heezen, B.C., I.D. MacGregor, H.P. Foreman, G.Z. Forristall, H. Hekel, R. Hesse, R.H. Hoskins, E.J.W. Jones, A. Kaneps, V.A. Krasheninnikov, H. Okada, and M.H. Ruef (1972), Deep Sea Drilling, Leg 20, Geotimes, 17, 10-14.
Forristall, G.Z. (1972), Comments on active plate tectonic hypotheses, J. Geophys. Res., 77, 6407-6412.
Forristall, G.Z. (1972), Stress distributions and overthrust faulting, Geological Soc. Am. Bull., 83, 3073-3082.
Forristall, G.Z. (1972), Distributions useful in Kontorovich-Lebedev transform theory, SIAM J. Math. Analysis, 3, 561-566.
Forristall, G.Z. and J. D. Ingram (1971), Elastodynamics of a wedge, Bull. Seism. Soc. Am., 61, 275-287.
Forristall, G.Z. and J. D. Ingram (1969), Asymmetries in cylindrical waveguides, J. Acoustical Soc. Am., 46, 164-168.